Smite France Notes du patch du Mardi 28 Juillet 2020 – Smite France

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Horus Gardien Draconique (Dragonguard)

Exclusif | Nouvelle Lune

1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Perséphone Souveraine de l’Oubli (Oblivion Ruler)

Exclusif | Nouvelle Lune

1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Xbalanque Cauchemar Néon (Neon Nightmare)

Exclusif | Nouvelle Lune

1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Cupidon Cosmortnaute (Deadnaut)

Exclusif | Cosmortnaute

1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920





Shuriken d’Ombracier (SHADOWSTEEL SHURIKEN)

Shadowsteel offered strong utility to critical strike builds, which had potential to be overpowering. However, It seems like we overvalued its utility. To make this item more attractive we are giving it a small cost reduction and increased Physical Power.

  • Réduction du Coût de 2500 à 2400.
  • Augmentation de la Puissance Physique de 20 à 30.



Golden Blade and Arachne, can you name a more iconic duo? Basic Attack Assassins in particular have seen a strong rise with the recent buff to their itemization. The cost reduction made this item more accessible which is something we want to keep but the amount of clear gained was too much. Rather than reverting the change we are tweaking its existing stats.

  • Réduction du bonus de Vitesse d’Attaque de 20% à 15%.
  • Réduction des dégâts de zone sur les Sbires de 75% à 50% sur le passif de l’objet.


Lame Crantée (SERRATED EDGE)

Serrated Edge has been a popular choice for Assassins in the mid season patch, although a few gods can push its power to extremes that the rest of the god pool cannot. We are increasing its cost for now but may look to do more adjustments in the future to open it up to a wider array of gods.

  • Augmentation du Coût de 2400 à 2550.


Lance du Mage (SPEAR OF THE MAGUS)

Spear of the Magus, Heartseeker, and Soul Reaver are strong items for both dealing damage to squishies while also bypassing enemy tankiness. We are keeping a close eye on how tanks feel in relation to damage dealers with our recent changes, but it will take some time and experimentation to see where everything falls. In the meantime these items that are universally good should be more focused in their strengths.

Spear of the Magus was simply too cheap for what it provided. Opting into boosting your team’s damage should come online slower..

  • Augmentation du Coût de 2450 à 2600.
  • Réduction de la durée du malus de 10s à 7s.
  • Augmentation du Temps de Rechargement du passif de 10s à 15s.


Cherche-Coeur (HEARTSEEKER)

Heartseeker’s % Penetration and Health Damage indicate it works well against tanks, but the raw power provided made it good in nearly all cases. A power reduction should take some of the edge off.

  • Réduction de la Puissance Physique de 75 à 65.


Moissonneur d’Ame (SOUL REAVER)

Soul Reaver falls into the same category as Heartseeker. A reduction in power here should focus it more towards damaging tanks and feel weaker against squishies

  • Réduction de la Puissance Magique de 110 à 95.


Croc de Typhon (TYPHON’S FANG)

  • Correction d’un problème où cet objet donnait 10 de Puissance Magique de plus que prévu.


Anneau d’Hécate (RING OF HECATE)

Ring of Hecate provided a huge boost to Magical ADCs in the Mid Season patch, providing a strong spread of stats, utility, and sustain. We are increasing its cost and removing the bonus healing per stack to highlight its power draining utility while giving opponents better counterplay.

  • Augmentation du Coût de 2500 à 2600.
  • Suppression de l’Augmentation de Soin par charge sur le passif de l’objet.


Fléau du Guerrier (WARRIOR’S BANE)

  • Correction d’un problème qui permettait aux Dieux d’avoir plus de 40% de Pénétration Physique.
  • Ajout de 10% de Pénétration Physique.


Dévoreur d’Âme (SOUL EATER)

This unique lifesteal item was given some solid buffs for Mid Season, which was especially interesting to Solo Laners who would be losing the sustain from Gladiator’s Shield. Due to its high power, many Jungle Assassins are picking up this item and gaining an additional boost they certainly do not need. We are bringing down the Physical Power, especially in the early game to make the item slightly more difficult to utilize in the Jungle.

  • Réduction de la Puissance Physique de base de 30 à 20.
  • Réduction de la Puissance Physique totale sur le Dévoreur d’Âme Évolué de 40 à 35.


Main des Dieux (HAND OF THE GODS)

Hand of the Gods is being boosted to ensure when used early it can clear minis while also helping more with the increased difficulty of the Jungle.

  • Augmentation des dégâts infligés de 170 à 200.





Bakasura has been eating well after his changes and the buffs to his supporting items. He was struggling before the Golden Blade buff, but with its cheaper cost and addition of items like Serrated Blade and Atalanta’s Bow he ended up not needing this adjustment. We are reverting it. This revert plus the nerfs to his core items should slow down Baka sufficiently.

Gobage de Sbire (EAT MINION)

  • Réduction de la Contribution Physique du Soin de 85% à 70%.
  • Réduction des Protections obtenus de 10/18/26/34/42 à 10/15/20/25/30.



Cama Zotz

With the changes to Warrior’s Blessing, Potion Stacking, and Gladiator’s Shield being, sustain has additional value in the Solo lane. Camazotz has the ability to be overbearing with his early sustain. We are reducing his protections and the sustain from Devour to make brawling with him a stronger option.


  • Réduction de la Protection Physique de Base de 13 à 11.

Dévoration (DEVOUR)

  • Réduction du Soin par Coup de 10/20/30/40/50 à 8/16/24/32/40.




Cthulhu has strong moments of power, especially in the early game. Rushing Terror’s Base Damage combined with his Sever makes him able to pick up kills quite easily. You should be afraid when he ults, but the amount of damage he was doing was too high.

Ruée de Terreur (RUSHING TERROR)

  • Réduction des Dégâts de Base de la Ruée de 80/120/160/200/240 à 70/110/150/190/230.
  • Réduction des Dégâts de Base des Projectiles de 50/80/110/140/170 à 40/70/100/130/160.

Rupture (SEVER) (Capacité Ultime n°1)

  • Réduction des Dégâts de Base de 120/175/230/285/340 à 100/160/220/280/340.




Raijin’s poke, especially at higher levels of play, can be very difficult to fight against. Now that he can clear lane effectively in the early game, we are reducing the scaling slightly to make his damage output more manageable in the late game.

Tempête de Percussions (PERCUSSIVE STORM)

  • Réduction de la Contribution Magique par Coup de 30% à 25%.




Ratatoskr’s rework is out and people are going nuts! The general consensus seems to be that he is strong but we are still seeing a lot of experimentation with different builds. We are targeting the most frequently purchased acorn (Bristlebush) and the winningest acorn (Evergreen), toning down his power while still leaving room for players to experience each acorn.

Gland d’Yggdrasil (ACORN OF YGGDRASIL)

  • Gland Persistent (Evergreen Acorn)
    • Réduction de la Puissance Physique de 35 à 25.
  • Gland de Buisson (Bristlebush Acorn)
    • Réduction des Dégâts Bonus de Piqué de 40% à 35%.
      • Cela affecte les Dégâts de Base et la Contribution Physique de Piqué.

1 Commentaire(s) SUR " Notes du patch du Mardi 28 Juillet 2020 "

  • alt_example

    pompotte 3 août 2020 at 19 h 03 min - Reply

    Je ne sais pas où demander de l’aide donc je le fais ici :
    Suite à une deconnection dans le lobby d une game, je suis banni 24h (j ai une tres mauvaise co dans une deco comme cela m’arrive une fois par soirée, je perds environ 30s à vite repasser en 4g).

    Je ne comprends pas la durée du ban, la seule explication c est que cela prend en compte mes deco lors des parties (alors que je me reco litéralement 30s apres). Cela n’a jamais nui a mes games, je peux vous montrer mon historique plus que positif en ranked.

    Comment faire pour ne pas que ce ban augmente de plus en plus ? Je trouve ca injuste pour 30s de deco par soir

    P.S: je n’ai pas assez de 4g pour rester tous les soirs sur ma 4g

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