Smite France Notes du Patch du 29 Mai 2018 – Smite France

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Patch 5.9 : Chance du Dragon

Merci à Kingkkrool pour la traduction.

Nouveaux Costumes de Dieux


Sobek Lumière du Dragon (Dragon’s Light)

(Costume Exclusif)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 2560×1440 3840×2160 1080×1920

Scylla Reine Draconique (Dragon Queen)

(Costume Exclusif)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 2560×1440 3840×2160 1080×1920

Nox Rêve Electrique (Electric Dream)

(Costume Exclusif)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 2560×1440 3840×2160 1080×1920

Morrigan Devineresse (Soothsayer)

(Costume Exclusif)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 2560×1440 3840×2160 1080×1920

Mise à Jour des Costumes de Maîtrises de Sobek

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 2560×1440 3840×2160 1080×1920


Corrections de Bugs

Toutes Plateformes

  • Mise à Jour de toutes les mentions de déclenchement “hors-combat” pour plus de précision quant à leur timing. Les descriptions suivantes ont été modifiées :
    • Description du Glossaire
    • Message de Pause en Jeu
    • Passif de Guan Yu (Indolore)
    • Passif d’Awilix (Initiative)
    • Passif de Khépri (Fortitude)
    • Coup de Bouclier de Bellone
    • Fléau de Bellone
    • Massue de Bellone
    • Rune de Battement
    • Amélioration de Rune de Battement
    • Bâton d’Asclépios
    • Bâton de Soin
  • Correction d’un problème où l’interface rejouait l’animation de verrouillage pour tous les joueurs à chaque fois qu’un joueur verrouillait un Dieu.
  • Moissonneur d’Âmes coûtera dorénavant 2750 d’Or.
  • Correction d’un problème où la mini-carte pouvait être décalée à la droite de l’écran derrière d’autres éléments d’interface.
  • Correction d’un problème où Tchernobog avait une mauvaise icône de panthéon.
  • Lamentation de l’Hydre n’applique plus le bonus aux compétences considérées comme des Attaques de Bases (Barrage Vicieux de Tchernobog et Jt’ai eu ! de Mercure).
  • Correction d’un problème où les joueurs ne pouvaient pas voir leur temps restant de booster.



Nouveaux Objets Cosmétiques

  • Emote Globale Raveur Electro
  • Effet de Montée de Niveau Raveur Electro


Coffre Époustouflant

  • Nouveaux Ajouts au Coffre Epoustouflant
    • Sun Wukong Guerrier Abyssal
    • Chang’e Comtesse Countess Chang’e
    • Fáfnir ChO’Dron d’Or
    • Nuwa Lapin Taquin


Coffre Déifié

  • Costumes disponibles dans le Coffre Déifié
    • Artémis Repérage
    • Athéna Gardienne de la Paix
    • Chronos Dieu Déchu


Boutique de Points de Fantaisie

  • Nouveaux Ajouts à la Boutique de Points de Fantaisie
    • Kumbhakarna Yéti Kumbhalayen
    • Tellus Ignée
    • Aphrodite Diva



Équilibrages – Objets


Dévoreur d’Âmes Amélioré (Evolved Soul Eater)

Soul Eater provides a unique effect that allows gods to sustain themselves with the damage done from their abilities, rather than their basic attacks. While the item has a powerful stat spread, the Ability Lifesteal from the evolved form did not provide enough health return. We are increasing it make sure that players who utilize it can feel the impact of its unique sustain effect.

  • Augmentation du Vol de Vie sur les Compétences de 10% à 15%.

Peau de l’Oursin (Hide of the Urchin)

Hide of the Urchin has been primarily favored by gods in the Solo role, yet the stacks can be very hard to earn from that position. We are decreasing the amount of stacks required to evolve this item while bringing up the amount of protections per stack. Essentially, this item will provide nearly the same protections when fully stacked, it will just take less time to stack. The shield from the evolved form is also getting a speedup, allowing it to build up more quickly between fights.

  • Réduction des charges requises pour évoluer de 10 à 7.
  • Augmentation des Protections par charge de 2 à 3.
  • Réduction du temps nécessaire pour générer un bouclier de 3 à 2.

Pierre d’Attache (Stone of Binding)

In 5.9 we are focusing on targeted adjustments towards Support item options. Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet have become almost mandatory for supports this season, pushing out other more offensive options. Stone of Binding is a strong offensive choice that saw early experimentation but has fallen out of favor as the meta has developed. We are increasing the reward for triggering it, while cleaning up its visual representation to be less visually distracting.

  • Augmentation du bonus de Pénétration du Passif de 10 à 15.
  • Modification des effets visuels pour une aura persistante plutôt qu’une aura d’impulsions.

Talisman d’Énergie (Talisman of Energy)

Talisman of Energy is a strong utility aura that encourages teams to push with their minion waves, but was too restrictive in actual use cases. We are increasing the radius so players more reliably get the buff, increasing the duration to allow teams to utilize the buff better, and increasing the stacks to make it work fully against a wave of 6 minions.

  • Augmentation du rayon d’effet du bonus de 55 à 70.
  • Augmentation de la durée du bonus de 6s à 8s.
  • Augmentation des charges maximales de 5 à 6.

Kusari du Shogun (Shogun’s Kusari)

Shogun’s Kusari is a prime example of an offensive aura item that has been overshadowed recently by more defensive options. It enables compositions that benefit heavily from bonus attack speed for killing objectives or the enemy team. While it is powerful in that regard, the amount of survivability lost for building this over a Heartward Amulet was too severe, making it really difficult to build even with the perfect team comp. We are increasing the Magical Protection to help it better compete with other defensive choices.

  • Augmentation de la Protection Magique de 50 à 60.

Souveraineté (Sovereignty)

Sovereignty (and by extension Heartward Amulet) are both very efficient at providing team survivability as well as personal tankiness. In some metas offensive auras were the dominant choice and in others stacking Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet are the dominant choice. We want to create a more even playing field for these items, which means Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet are seeing light nerfs while the offensive options are being bought up as a whole.

Sovereignty is having its base defenses hit, making the tank that picks this up slightly more susceptible to physical gods.

  • Réduction de la Protection Physique de 50 à 45.

Amulette Pare-Coeur (Heartward Amulet)

As stated above, Heartward Amulet is seeing a light touch to ensure it is still a strong choice, but more in line with the offensive options. The Magical Protection provided by this aura is being reduced by 5, making teams as a whole more susceptible to Magical Damage.

  • Réduction de la Protection Magique de l’aura de 20 à 15.

Fléau du Titan (Titan’s Bane)

Titan’s Bane and Obsidian Shard saw a very high amount of use rate in the recent LAN, regardless of the enemy comp being tank-heavy or not. This points to the items being too effective in all situations. Titan’s Bane and Obsidian Shard are having their base penetration reduced, while still scaling to the same 40% at a higher armor threshold. This should move these items further in the direction of tank counters, rather than all purpose Penetration choices.

  • Réduction de la Pénétration de Base de 20% à 15%.
  • Augmentation du seuil de Protection pour la Pénétration maximale (40%) de 175 à 200.

Éclat d’Obsidienne (Obsidian Shard)


  • Réduction de la Pénétration de Base de 20% à 15%.
  • Augmentation du seuil de Protection pour la Pénétration maximale (40%) de 175 à 200.

Chaussures de Concentration (Shoes of Focus)

Magical Boots are seeing power increases this patch. When looking at overall god performances, Mages are slightly underperforming compared to the rest of the god pool. While mid as a role may be super impactful, we have seen multiple instances where other classes besides mages can succeed in that position. To help Mages better compete against other classes for the mid lane role, we are increasing the base power of two types of shoes, something core to all mage players. Shoes of Focus is getting a slightly larger buff this patch than Shoes of the Magi, which was already the overwhelmingly most popular choice.

  • Augmentation de la Puissance Magique de 40 à 55.

Chaussures du Mage (Shoes of the Magi)


  • •  Augmentation de la Puissance Magique de 45 à 55.



Équilibrages – Dieux



Ah Puch has strong control and AoE damage potential, but often struggles at key parts of the early game in Conquest. We are making a targeted change to Corpse Explosion, allowing it to deal more damage on its own and slightly less with each corpse available to him. This should help his early clear rely less on minions, without overdoing his already extreme late game damage potential.

Explosion Cadavérique (Corpse Explosion)

  •  Augmentation des dégâts initiaux de 60/70/80/90/100 à 90/100/110/120/130.
  •  Réduction des dégâts par cadavre de 60/85/110/135/160 à 55/80/105/130/155.


Cu Chulainn is a powerhouse in the early game where he can heavily pressure his opponent with his Berserk passive that provides buffs and more abilities. As a god that wants to berserk and fight often, this is expected from him, but the amount of pressure is overwhelming, especially early on. We are lowering the amount of bonus Physical Power he gets while Berserk, helping opponents trade more favorably against The Hound of Ulster.


  •  Réduction du bonus de Puissance Physique du passif en forme de Berserk de 5+2 par Niveau à 0+2 par Niveau.


Erlang Shen focuses on chaining down his opponents with basic attacks, using his kit to pin them in place. Spot Weakness really enables this playstyle, but the cost on it was prohibitive, making it difficult to execute. We are reducing the cost of this ability while also making the taunt from 9 Turns Blessing consistent at all ranks. This will help Erlang Shen and his team better play around a consistent duration of CC.

Repérage des Faiblesses (Spot Weakness)

  •  Réduction du Coût de Mana de 60/65/70/75/80 à 60 à tous les niveaux.
Bénédiction des Neuf Transformations (Nine Turns Blessing)

  •  Augmentation de la durée de Provocation de 0,8/0,9/1/1,1/1,2s à 1,2s à tous les niveaux.


Hachiman brings a lot to the table as a hunter, and this has allowed him to thrive at the competitive level. We are bringing down the overall pressure that Heavenly Banner brings to the lane, while toning down the slow from Mounted Archery. These adjustments intend to bring his power more in line with other top hunters, and ensure he isn’t stifling hunter pick diversity.

Banderole Céleste (Heavenly Banner)

  •  Réduction des dégâts de 85/140/195/250/305 à 75/130/185/240/295.
Archerie Montée (Mounted Archery)

  •  Réduction du Ralentissement de 25/30/35/40/45% à 20/25/30/35/40%.


Neith has struggled to make an impact, largely due to her inability to scale late into the game. While she is ability focused, she is still a hunter that relies on Basic Attacks for a good portion of her damage. We are increasing her Base Attack speed to help her better synergize with Attack Speed items and from the Attack Speed she gains per level.

Vitesse d’Attaque de Base

  •  Augmentation de la Vitesse d’Attaque de Base de base de 0,95 à 1.


A few abilities have large area of effects that stop on contact with a wall or an enemy god, like Sol or Ah Puch. Recently, Hel had her targeters updated to better convey where their spells are likely to hit. Nox’s Night Terror is getting the same treatment.

Terreur Nocturne (Night Terror)

  •  Mise à Jour du Cibleur
    • Montre maintenant la portée d’explosion (nouveaux effets).
    • • L’explosion glisse le long de la ligne du cibleur si elle est bloquée.


Similar to Neith, while Skadi focuses on her pet management and abilities to control a fight, she is still a hunter. We are increasing her base attack speed to help her scale into the late game more consistently.

Vitesse d’Attaque de Base

  •  Augmentation de la Vitesse d’Attaque de Base de 0,9 à 0,95.


The Lord of Darkness made a strong appearance, but aspects of his kit made him difficult to use in ways players wanted. His Mana costs are being lowered to allow him to use more abilities, especially in the early game. This will also open up more build paths for him instead of needing to rush Transcendence. Crystallized Curses is also getting a small damage bump, helping his damage output in the early game and when he lands the first part of his combo. Finally, Living Nightmare is getting some slight timing adjustments. Players will find themselves landing quicker and being able to act more quickly after landing.


  •  Amélioration du son sur ses Attaques de Base pour mieux coller à leur visuel.
Malédictions Cristallisées (Crystallized Curses)

  •  Réduction du Coût de Mana de 60/65/70/75/80 à 50/55/60/65/70.
  •  Augmentation des dégâts initiaux de 50/80/110/140/170 à 70/100/130/160/190.
Barrage Vicieux (Vicious Barrage)

  •  Réduction du Coût de Mana de 80/85/90/95/100 à 70/75/80/85/90.
Dans les Ténèbres (Into Darkness)

  •  Améliorations effectuées afin que les joueurs entrent dans le mur quand ils s’y attendent et n’en soient pas éjectés automatiquement.
  •  Correction d’un problème où les joueurs étaient éjectés automatiquement d’un mur suite à soucis de ping élevé.
  •  Correction d’un problème où les objets ne se déclenchant qu’une fois comme L’Écraseur se déclenchaient deux fois.
Cauchemard Vivant (Living Nightmare)

  •  Suppression du Temps de Récupération de cette compétence (de 0,2 à 0).
  •  Réduction du temps minimum en l’air de 1,2 à 1.
  •  Réduction du temps maximum en l’air de 3 à 2,6.
  •  Correction d’un problème où se déplacer en ombre pouvait provoquer une collision avec un mur. Le personnage était alors envoyé en l’air sans pouvoir bouger.
  •  Correction d’un problème où Tchernobog bégayer à l’atterrissage.


Xbalanque has been really stacking up against his opponents with the latest change to his passive. The consistency the change brought really helped his performance, but it came online too quickly. We are increasing the amount of damage needing to be dealt by 50%, causing his power curve to more closely match the original intent. Additionally, Poison Darts is getting an important fix. Abilities should not go on cooldown until they have provided some effect, but Poison Darts could get interrupted and consumed even if no darts were fired. With this adjustment Poison Darts will need to fire at least 1 dart before interrupting it will cause it to go on cooldown.

Au Coeur de la Nuit (Dead of Night)

  •  Xbalanque a maintenant besoin d’infliger 1500 dégâts pour gagner une charge de Au Coeur de la Nuit (au lieu de 1000).
Fléchettes Empoisonnées (Poison Darts)

  •  Cette compétence n’utilise plus de Mana ni ne se met en Rechargement si elle est interrompue avant que la moindre fléchette ne soit tirée.


Zeus is bringing the Thunder in 5.9! Zeus relies on Detonate for his primary burst and poke potential. We are reducing the Mana cost at all ranks to help him stay active in a fight, especially early game. Lightning Storm will also deal more damage at all ranks, allowing Zeus to contribute to a fight even when enemies quickly flee from his storm.

Détonation des Charges (Detonate Charge)

  •  Réduction du Coût de Mana de 90 à tous les niveaux à 60 à tous les niveaux.
Tempête d’Éclairs (Lightning Storm)

  •  Augmentation des Dégâts de Base de 100/120/140/160/180 à 120/140/160/180/200.


Zhong Kui is getting some changes targeted at reducing the frustrating interactions he can sometimes have. Zhong Kui needs stacks to be effective, but his teammates can quickly remove his abilities to gain stacks. This is especially prevalent in non-conquest modes. Zhong Kui will now steal the souls of anything that dies around him, freeing up his ability to use his 1 + 2 combo as he wants. The amount of stacks, protections gained, and amount lost from using the ultimate and dying have been changed to fit this new stacking method. Finally, Book of Demons is seeing a stun increase. Early on, .5s offered very little opportunity to make plays while triggering his opponents diminishing returns.

Sac à Démons (Demon Bag)

  •  Augmentation des Charges de 20 à 40.
  •  Réduction des Protections par Charge de 2 à 1.
  •  Zhong Kui gagnera des charges à étant témoin d’une mort. Il ne gagnera plus de charge en utilisant Exorcisme sur une cible marquée.
  •  Réduction des charges perdues à la mort et après l’utilisation de Rappel des Démons de 100% à 50%.
Livre des Démons (Book of Demons)

  •  Augmentation de la durée d’Étourdissement de 0,5/0,6/0,7/0,8/0,9s à 0,7/0,8/0,9/1/1,1s.

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